News archive
Toulouse Space Show 2018From 25-26 of June our company participated in the Toulouse Space Show together with our representatives in Europe DIMAC RED.More...
3rd Agreement with European Space AgencyWe are glad to announce, that our company has signed the third cooperation agreement with European Space Agency on Development of Integrated Circuit αRD139A for application in ESA missions, contract Nr.4000124213/18/NL/SC was signed by both parties, based on the Development of Microcircuit αRD139A for applications in ESA missions.More...
Research of the New Generation Spectrometry: Development of Design and Technologies for the Manufacturing of Innovative DiodeRD ALFA Microelectronics implements a research project within the second selection phase of project applications for the action programme “Growth and Employment”, specific support goal 1.2.1 “Increase of private sector investments in S&D (Search & Development), activity “Support for the Development of New Products and Technologies Within the Competence Centres”.More...
SPACE TECH EXPO 2017Our company would like to announce that from 24th till 26th of October 2017, company will become a participant of International exhibition of Space Technologies – SPACE TECH EXPO 2017, held in Bremen (Germany). More...
UK SPACE CONFERENCE 2017From 30th of May till 1st of June, year 2017 RD ALFA Microeletronics Development Manager Mr. Lev.Lapkis has attended UK SPACE CONFERENCE 2017, held in Manchester (UK). Demonstrating latest achievements – products and services in space engineering the conference - exhibition was Attended by over 1,200 delegates, the UK Space Conference proved to be an unmissable forum for the UK and international space community, bringing together government, industry, academia, customers, suppliers, education providers, researchers and the financial community. The two and a half day programe presented a compelling forum to discuss the changing political, economic and technological landscape impacting the UK space industry. More...