About us

Development & Manufacturing of integrated circuits

RD ALFA Microelectronics has more than 50 years of experience in the design and production of HiRel, RadHard & ITAR free for EU, analogue Integrated Circuits (ICs) for the commercial industry, aerospace and defence. Initially founded in 1962, the company is a pioneer in electronics and regularly participates in European Space Agency (ESA) projects since 2015. RD ALFA Microelectronics Quality Management System (QMS) conforms to the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2008 (confirmed by the Certificate CH05/0392, SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance, Zurich).


Technology facilities in company:

Factory specialists have expertise in the field of analogue and analogue-to-digital technology (Bi-polar (Bi), Bi-FET, complementary Bi, CMOS, and Bi-CMOS), as well as the design and testing of microcircuits. RD ALFA Microelectronics has developed Quad Operational Amplifier αRD124A that successfully qualified for usage in ESA space missions.

The company’s production includes:
• Operational amplifiers;
• Comparators;

• Amplifiers;

• Analog switches;

• Monolithic Dual Transceivers;










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