
ESA Co-funded Project Successfully Completed: αRD139A and αRD1567 ICs Fully Qualified
The ESA co-funded project "Qualification and Research of Analog IC Elements Resistance to Radiation" (Contract No. 4000137307/22/NL/GLC/zk) has successfully qualified the αRD139A and αRD1567 ICs. This joint project, which consolidated several proposals previously submitted to ESA, has achieved significant advancements in radiation-hardened analog IC technology. More ...
Qualification of IC αRD124A for application in ESA missions
RD ALFA Microelectronics is happy to announce that, at the end of 2021, it has successfully finished the ESA PECS project "Qualification of IC αRD124A for application in ESA missions", Contract No.: 4000128048/19/NL/SC. More ...
Start of qualification process of IC αRD124A
RD ALFA Microelectronics team is glad to announce that a new contract with ESA in the frame of PECS projects was signed as a sign of established longtime collaboration between two organizations. More ...
Paris Space Week 2019
RD Alfa Microelectronics representatives from 2nd to 3rd of April visited Paris Space Week. This is one of the most important activities in the European space industry, which brings together representatives of the space industry to discuss cooperation opportunities, gain new contacts and become familiar with the needs and capabilities of the European Space Agency. More ...
European Space Components Conference 2019
Company representative Lev Lapkis participated in the European Space Components Conference ESCCON 2019 this year in Nordwick (Netherlands) from 11-13 March 2019. The conference was an important event that gathered information on the ongoing component market and their potential in collaboration with the European Space Agency. Discussions were held with existing and potential partners. The company representative also presented the ESA-PECS project αRD124A for ESA missions. More ...

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